:=-==SOLDAT MANUAAL (25.10.04 eesti)=-=:
Vaikimisi Nupud
Mängu Re¹iimid
Mängu Seadistamine
Mängu Ekraan
Pühendatud Server
Litsents ja Distributsioon
Soldati registreerimine - info siin
Soldat on unikaalne külgvaates mitmele mängijale moeldud lahingumäng. Votab parima mängudest nagu Liero, Worms, Quake ja Counter-Strike ja annab sulle kiire lahingu mängu suure hunniku vere ja plahvatustega. Sodurid voitlevad üksteisega 2D voitlus areenidel kasutades surmavat sojaväe arsenali.
Minimumm nouded:
- PC, keyboard, hiir, aju
- 333mhz protsessor
- Video kiirendi mis on voimeline jooksutama Direct3D
- Graafika kaart mis ühildub DirectX 8.1
- 32 MB RAM
- Moned vabad Megabaidid kettal
- Helikaart
- Vorgukaart voi modem
- Microsoft Windows 98/Me/2000/XP
- Microsoft DirectX 8.1
See on Quake stiilis:
Paar tüüpi otsustasid üksteist tappa, sina void olla üks neist.
Lihtsaim viis mängu alustada :
- Vali kaart kaardi kastist paremal pool
- Vali moned botid paremal pool asetsevast kastist, voi moned suvalised botid RANDOM BOT kastist
- Vajuta START GAME nuppu
Kui sa tahad mängida teiste inimestega, pead ennem otsustama kuidas:
a) Alusta mängu, ja muud ühinevad sinu mängu
Vajuta OPTIONS menüüle. NETWORK
options vali ühenduse tüüp(Ühendus- LAN /Internet). Vali mängijate arvu limiit
(Max Mängijad -peaks olema väike kui sul on aeglane interneti ühendus). Mängu saab registreerida
lobby serverisse interneti mängudesse (REGISTER IN LOBBY SERVERS), et muud mängijad saavad otsida
sinu mänguJOIN GAME serveri otsingus. Nüüd vali mängu mood, moned kaardid nimekirjast
ja vajuta START GAME esimeses menüüs. IfKui su mäng registreerus korralikult lobby serveris saad sa vastava teate.
b) Sa sisened mängu
Vajuta JOIN GAME menüüle. Kui sa tead serveri IP aadressi void sisestada selle EMOTE HOST IP väljale .Kui sa tahad otsida servreid internetis voi LANis, vajuta REQUEST SERVERS. Topelt klikk voi vali madalaima pingiga mäng millel ka mängijad, ning vajuta JOIN GAME.
[A] - jookse vasakule
[D] - jokse paremale
[W] - hüppa
[S] - kükita
[Vasak Hiire Nupp] - tulista
[Parem Hiire Nupp] - lenda
[E] - hoia all, et visata granaati
[F] - viska ära praegune relv
[X] - mine roomavasse positsiooni
[Q] - vaheta relv sekundarse vastu
[R] - lae relv
[T] - chat
[Tab] - aktiveeru/deaktiveeri relva menüü surma ajal.
[/] - enter command
[F1] - players list with scores
[F2] - player status
[F3] - statistics (FPS, ping,
network bandwith)
[F4] - take screenshot (saves it
to Soldat\Screens)
[F5] - stops/plays music
[F6] - previous music track
[F7] - next music track
[F8] - record/stop demo
[F9] - minimize the game
[F10] - pause game
[ALT] - + a,b,c... or
1,2,3...0 keys - chat taunts or commands
[ESC] - stops the game and shows
the game menu
:---===GAME MODES:
1. Deathmatch
Everybody fights against each other. The one who kills the most wins.
Recommended Respawn Time: 3-6 seconds.
2. Pointmatch
The same as Deathmatch but here you fight for points. There is a yellow
flag on the map, when you carry it you double your points for kill. You can also
get points for multikills. For killing 2 guys in a row you get double points,
when you kill 3 you get 4 times more points. If you carry the flag and kill 6
guys in a row you can get 64 points!
Recommended Respawn Time: 3-6 seconds.
5. Rambomatch
Rambo - First Blood style. On the map there's John Rambo's Bow. The one who
takes it gains super powers and can regenerate health. The rest of the
players hunt him for the bow because only Rambo gets points for kill.
Recommended Respawn Time: 6-10 seconds.
3. Teammatch
There can be 4 teams on the map (Alpha Team, Bravo Team, Charlie Team, Delta
Team) that fight against each other. The team that gets the highest score (sum
of all kills) wins.
4. Capture the Flag
competition for two teams (Alpha Team & Bravo Team). To score you have to steal
the opponents team flag and bring to your base with your flag.
6. Infiltration
There are two teams (Alpha Team and Beta Team). The blue team has a base with a
black flag, that they must defend. The goal of the red team is to steal the
black flag and bring it to the white flag (usually near the reds spawn place).
Recommended Realistic Mode.
Standard options available in the OPTIONS menu:
Respawn Time:
Normal Respawn -
Time, in seconds, that you remain dead until your next respawn.
Used in Deathmatch, Pointmatch and Rambomatch.
Maximum Time in Team Games -
In team games (Teammatch, Capture the Flag, Infiltration)
the respawn system is called Wave Respawn.
During the game there is set a global respawn timer for all players. It's cycle
depends on the number
of players in the game. When it goes to zero everybody that have been killed
before - respawn and the timer
starts again. For example: When there is 20 players (10 in each team) the timer
will reach zero every 40 seconds.
Every 40 seconds everone that died in that time will respawn. Maximum Time in Team
Games is used so that this
time isn't too long, it shortens it to the value you set.
Option to turn off bonuses.
Frequency -
Frequency of special bonuses appearing. 0 - never... 5 - lots.
Option to turn off weapons.
Maximum Grenades:
The maximum amount of grenades you can carry. It is also the number of
grenades you pick-up in the
boxes. On respawn you get half of this amount.
Friendly Fire -
If checked you can kill your teammates. Not recommended in internet games.
Bullet Time
When all players are nearby (on one screen) and someone is
killed the game goes into bulet time mode which is a cinematic slow
motion effect.
Mouse Sensitivity -
The sensitivity of mouse cursor movement.
- NETWORKConnection -
The type of network game you want to play (LAN/Internet).
Maximum Players -
Maximum number of players that can join your server.
Register in Lobby Servers -
When you start a server it can register in lobby servers so people can find
it in the JOIN GAME servers browser.
Game Name -
The name of your game server. It will be shown in the servers search.
Game Password -
Your game servers password. Only players that know it can join.
Balance Teams -
Players that join server will be forced to join the team with less players.
Works in CTF and Infiltration.
- VISUALSInterface Style -
You can change the style of the game interface. Interface Style
changes the graphics, cursor, position of statistics and more.
Player Indicator -
If is on you will see a little arrow above your player, so you know which one is
Sniper Line -
Draws a line between the player and the cursor which helps aiming on far
distances.- BOTSDifficulty -
Affects bots accuracy and behaviour.
Chat -
If on the bots talk from time to time.
Sound Volume -
The sound volume in percents. Also affects the MP3 player volume.
Music Volume -
The volume of the Game Music in percents.
Explosion Effect -
The effect that happens when something explodes near your player (you
become deaf for a few seconds and hear a whistle sound).
Distant Battle -
Turns on/off distant battle sounds.
Game Music -
Original game music that can be played during the game.
MP3 Music -
A list of MP3 files that will be played during the game. Soldat
uses M3U lists which can be created manually or with an mp3 player like
Winamp. You need to put the playlists in the Soldat MP3 folder (ex. c:\soldat\mp3).
In the Start Game options:
Kill Limit, Point Limit -
When a players Kills or Points reach this number the round ends.
In Teammatch the team score
must reach it.
Capture Limit -
Flag captures limit in Capture the Flag mode.
Time Limit -
Amount of time that the round is played in minutes.
Survival Mode -
There is no respawning in this mode. After a player is killed he has to wait
until there is one man standing or one alive team and then the round ends and
everybody respawns again.
Realistic Mode -
This mode is for advanced players.
- Players have low health
- Falling damage
- You see only what your player sees. If someone is behind a wall you won't see
- Weapons have recoil. After a shot your cursor goes up
(To prevent this you should fire single shots or short bursts).
- No special bonuses.
Loop -
Loops the map list. If not checked the game ends after the maps are finished.
Random Bots -
The number of random bots that will play the game.
In team games this option is next to the team name.
In the Soldat Setup options:
- Graphics
Fullscreen - if on the game runs in fullscreen mode. Some
problems can be solved in window-mode.
Dithering - useful in 16-bit color mode. It smooths the colors so
they look like 32-bit.
Antialiasing - it smooths the whole game. Available only on video
cards that support it (like GeForce).
Bitrate - color mode. 32-bit is better, but not all cards are
compatible with it
(like Voodoo).
Refresh Rate - the rate of monitors refresh.
Video Adapters - available video adapters.
- Sound
Sound Quality - sound output quality.
Sound Output Type - available sound devices.
Sound Driver List - availale sound drivers.
- Performance
Particles on screen - amount of extra elements like: blood, smoke,
gun shells, dust.
Bot Seeing Quality - the quality of the bots eye. Affects the
games performance.
Render Bullet Trails - renders long bullet trails.
Render Weather Effects - renders snow, sand or rain.
Render Smooth Polygons - renders nice smooth polygon edges.
Show Death Console - show the kills console in the upper-right
File logging - turns on/off file logging (console logs and kill logs).
Auto record- The game automaticly records the last
minute (configurable in soldat.ini) of the gameplay (in
demos/autodemo.sdm). The recording can be saved at any time by pressing
F8 (saved in another file demos/autodemoX.sdm). Press F8 twice while
autorecording and you can record a normal demo.
- Network
Game port - the server's port that players will join.
Internet connection speed - the speed of your internet connection.
Max Ping - the maximum ping time that players can have on your server.
Servers greetings message - the message that is displayed for people
that join your server.
Never forward clients - if you have a firewall with open ports
check this, so that clients don't have to override the firewall through the
lobby server.
Register server with All-Seeing Eye - the server registers in All-Seeing Eye (http://www.udpsoft.com).
Server Link - a link that will be displayed on the lobby servers
web page. It can be the servers www page or admins e-mail.
- More
Video Compatibility - use only in emergency.
Force Software - runs the game without hardware video acceleration.
Blank Screen while bonus fix (old ATI cards) - fixes the problem
with the blank screen if you take Berserker for example.
Texture Filters - change if you're bored.
Backbuffer Count - change if you're really bored.
Languages - Change - allow to change the language of the text in
Soldat (language files are placed in the Soldat\Txt\Languages folder)
Non-standard options are available in the SOLDAT.INI file.
The Soldat HUD:
- The Bars in the bottom of the screen are:
Red - Health
Yellow - Ammuniton or Reload Time
Little Gold - Fire Interval Time
Blue - Jet Fuel
- Player Status [on/off F2] is usually placed above the jet
fuel bar:
First green number, from the top: your place in the game / number of players.
Middle red: your kills/points and points to leader.
Purple: Kill Limit/Point Limit/Capture Limit in the game.
In a network game you will see a lag-o-meter
- a dot that changes size and color depending on your ping time.
- In Teammatch mode in the bottom right there is a column of numbers
showing team scores.
- In Capture the Flag or Infiltration mode in the bottom right there are numbers showing
captured flags by a team or teams points. When a flag is out of base you will notice also a
crossed flag symbol.
To select a weapon use the numerical keys 1-9,0 after start or when waiting for respawn. You can throw away your weapon and pickup another. You can carry two weapons (Primary & Secondary Weapon on your back).
Selectable weapons:
1. Desert Eagles
Akimbo weapon! An automatic hand-gun that can break a man's arm. That's why it doesn't fire
so frequently but the bullets can easily pierce thick armor.
Bullet start speed = 15.83
Bullet start power = 39.9
Shots/Sec. = 3
Reloading = 1.5 sec.
Ammuniton = 7
2. HK MP5
The most popular submachine-gun in the world. Fast and furious. In short
ranges it can defeat heavy weapons.
Bullet start speed = 15.83
Bullet start power = 22.8
Bullets/Sec. = 10
Reloading = 1.75 sec.
Ammuniton = 30
3. AK-74
Modified version of Automat-Kalasznikov from 1947. Weapon of terrorists and most
of world's army forces. The best rifle in the past 50 years.
Bullet start speed = 20
Bullet start power = 29.28
Bullets/Sec. = 6
Reloading = 2.5 sec.
Ammuniton = 40
4. Steyr AUG
This weapon looks like a toy but it sure isn't. With great speed it spits
out bullets killing everything in a fast attack.
Bullet start speed = 21.66
Bullet start power = 20.8
Bullets/Sec. = 9
Reloading = 1.91 sec.
Ammuniton = 30
5. Spas-12
This Shotgun makes a massacre with its 12-Gauge bullets. The best weapon for
Bullet start speed = 11.66
Bullet start power = 18.19
Shots/Sec. = 2
Reloading 7 = 2.91 sec.
Ammuniton = 7
6. Ruger-77
A hunting rifle. Very fast and accurate. Good for hunting deers and people.
Bullet start speed = 27.5
Bullet start power = 83.15
Bullets/Sec. = 2
Reloading = 1.25 sec.
Ammuniton = 4
7. M79
The famous grenade-launcher from the Vietnam War. Viet-Cong quickly ran to the
bushes when they heard its characteristic sound. The 40mm grenade can blast
anyone into pieces even after a shot behind a hill.
Bullet start speed = 9.58
Bullet start power = 18400
1 bullet in 3 sec.
Reloading = 3 sec.
Ammuniton = 1
8. Barret M82A1
This sniper weapon has incredible power. It was designed to pierce
tank armor. The Army didn't even plan to use it against people. But who cares?
Sniper mode available if you crouch or go prone.
Bullet start speed = 45.83
Bullet start power = 272.25
1 bullet in 4 sec.
Reloading = 5 sec.
Ammuniton = 10
9. M249 (FN Minimi)
The best machinegun with great firepower. Can be very helpful for
backing-up your team.
Bullet start speed = 22.5
Bullet start power = 27
Bullets/Sec. = 7
Reloading = 4.16 sec.
Ammuniton = 50
10. XM214 Minigun
The famous "O'll Painless" from the movie Predator. This chaingun is mounted on
army helicopters. It uses a tremendous amount of ammo and can kill the same
amount of enemies.
Bullet start speed = 24.16
Bullet start power = 15.95
Bullets/Sec. = 15
Reloading = 6 sec.
Ammuniton = 100
Startup = 0.83 sec.
Standard arsenal:
Standard US special forces weapon. You get it always after respawn as a secondary
Bullet start speed = 15
Bullet start power = 34.19
Bullets/Sec. = 5
Reloading = 1.08 sec.
Ammuniton = 12
Combat Knife
Standard infantry combat knife. One direct hit with this little thing
eliminates the enemy at once. Best for covert operations.
Can be also used as a throw knife with the throw weapon button.
A chainsaw used for cutting piles of wood. If somebody finds a different
use for this please let everybody know.
Anti-tank weapon, fires an explosive missile. Can be used only from
the crouch position.
After throwing out your weapon you can play Rocky.
Fragmentation Grenades
Doesn't kill immediately but a good tactical throw can harm or kill a
couple of enemy's at once.
On start and when you pickup the green box grenade supplies.
Special weapons:
Rambo Bow
The famous Bow of John Rambo available in Rambomatch mode.
Great for stealth operations. Silent, fast as lightning and lethal. You can
change to exploding arrows with the change weapon key.
Bullet start speed = 17.5
Bullet start power = 252
Bullets/Sec. = 6
Reloading = 0.41 sec.
Ammuniton = 1
Is used to set other players on fire. Available after picking up the
Flame God bonus.
On the map you can pickup several
bonuses, that spawn from time to time:
Regenerates your health to the maximum level.
Holds the amount of grenades you can carry (1-5).
3 grenades that explode when hitting the ground. After that they throw out deadly explosive pieces.
Bulletproof vest
It uses quickly but can save your life.
Duration: 15 seconds
You become the immortal master of fire! You get a flamethrower to burn enemies and
also immortality, all in one. Flame your opponents without risk and laugh at
them when they try to runaway! (Immortality not available in team games)
Duration: 15 seconds
In one word: massacre! Your weapons are four times stronger in Berserker Mode. Crush your enemies with a couple of shots!
Duration: 25 seconds
Become the lonely hunter! In Predator Mode you are invisible. Also, no one can hear your gun fire but if you fly and fire too much, you will become a ghost and therefore easier to strike! Also, remember that if you're hurt by the enemy he will see your blood. Try to steal your opponents flag in CTF mode now!
After pressing the "/" key you can enter one of the following commands:
Player commands: |
KILL | harakiri |
BRUTALKILL | very harakiri |
SMOKE | player lights or ends a cigar |
TABAC | player chews some tobacco |
TAKEOFF | player takes off his helmet |
VICTORY | player cheers |
PAUSE | pauses the game |
Server commands: | |
ADDBOT bots name | adds a new bot to the game |
KICK players name or players number | removes a player/bot from the game |
BAN players name or players number | bans the player on the server so he can't join in again |
BANIP IP number | bans the IP number |
UNBAN IP number | unbans the IP number |
MAP map name | changes the map |
RESTART | resets the current match |
NEXTMAP | changes the map to the next one in the list |
ADM players name | adds the player to the Remote Admins list |
ADMIP IP number | adds the IP number to the Remote Admins list |
UNADM IP number | removes the IP number from the Remote Admins list |
KICKLAST | kicks the last player that entered the game |
RESPAWNTIME seconds | changes the respawn time |
MAXRESPAWNTIME seconds | changes the maximum respawn time in team games |
LIMIT number | changes the current kill/point/capture limit |
TIMELIMIT minutes | changes the current time limit |
PASSWORD text | changes the game server password (temporarily) |
ADMINPASS text | changes the admin password |
SETTEAMx player number | forces the player to join team x |
ADDBOTx bots name | adds a bot to team x |
FRIENDLYFIRE 0/1 | friendly fire on or off |
VOTE% 0-100 | changes the percentage of players needed to vote something |
BONUS 0-5 | frequency of bonuses 0-none, 5- lots |
MAXPLAYERS 1-32 | maximum players allowed on server |
SAY text | sends a text message to all players on the server |
Client-Server commands: |
ADMINLOG password | used to login as game server admin |
MUTE players name or players number | mutes the player so you don't see his chat |
UNMUTE players name or players number | unmutes the player |
RECORD name | records a demo stored in the Soldat\Demos folder |
STOP | stops the recording of a demo |
Commands from a parameter:These are parameters that can be used when running Soldat.exe:
- Soldat.exe -dedicated (starts a Soldat dedicated server)
- Soldat.exe -start (starts the game without entering the menu)
- Soldat.exe -dedicated -start (runs the dedicated server automaticly)
- Soldat.exe -join IPnumber (port password)
(runs the game and connects to
IPnumber , port and password are optional;
Soldat.exe -join
Soldat.exe -join 23073 tikikaka)
- Soldat.exe -demo name (freecam speed notexts
(runs the game and plays the demo specified by name. Optional
paramaters are:
freecam (0/1) - the user can freely change the camera (default 0)
speed (0-...%)- how quick the playback will be specified in percents
(default 100%)
notexts (0/1) - no texts, menus or cursor will be displayed during
playback (default 0)
extract (0/1) - extracts the demo to BMP files (default 0). Later they
can be used to make an AVI file in a program like "Bmp2Avi".
The sound can be extracted with a program like "Total Recorder". Please note
that this can take time and is not recommended on slower systems. For better
results specify lower speed (like 50%).
Soldat.exe -demo demo12
Soldat.exe -demo demo19 1 200 1 0
The default key for Chat function is T (for team chat Y), to send it press ENTER.
Taunts - You can use ready taunts from the file TAUNTS.TXT (placed in the Soldat folder or your profile folder) by using the ALT key + alpha-numeric keyboard keys.
Teamchat - If you want your chat text to appear in the console only for your teammates insert "^" before the text, like this: ^Whats up!
A dedicated server is used to run a faster Soldat server
without a player.
You can do this in two ways:
1. In the SOLDAT.INI file, section NETWORK, find Dedicated=0,
change it to Dedicated=1.2. Run the game with the parameter
-dedicated (Soldat.exe -dedicated). You can use the shortcuts in the Start Menu
If you want the server to start the game automatically do this:
- Run the game normally and enter the menu. Set all the game options (game
mode, time limit, map list etc.)
- Quit the game and the settings will be saved
- Run Soldat with parameters -dedicated -startRemote administration
Players from outside the server can control it. To give this option to a
player add him to the Remote Admins list.
The commands for this are described here
Game Ports
Important! - If you have a firewall you should open the UDP game ports
default: 23073 for the server (can be changed in Soldat Setup) , client uses a default port: 23083
(can't be changed)
There is an option to join
firewall servers without opening the ports, but only through the lobby server
(through the server list - forwarding).
The Soldat server uses the following ports:
UDP: game port (default 23073)
TCP/IP: admin port = game port (default 23073)
TCP/IP: files port = game port + 10 (default 23083)
The Soldat network Anti-Cheat Protection is based on two modules.
Software company's developing multiplayer games
spend millions of dollars, hundreds of hours,
the work of thousands of people are wasted to invent the perfect anti-cheat
systems. All those systems are as good
as nothing because they forgot about one tiny little thing. The author of Soldat got
the idea after 4 seconds of thinking.
Now Sierra and other On-Line industry giants can't stand it that they didn't
think of it first. The first
Anti-Cheat Protection module in Soldat is simply:
A request: "Please don't cheat while playing Soldat".
If that somehow doesn't work then please read this:
Because of the Anti-Cheat protection system used in Soldat you
cannot use any hack tools like: memory finders, trainers, packet
editors, hex editors and dissasemblers while Soldat is running. It is
STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to CLOSE all programs running in
the background while Soldat is on. The use of hack tools will
degrade the game to a level it will no longer be playable.
Also editing the executable or other related files and cracking
the shareware protection will cause system instability and problems
with network play.
If this happens to you and you are sure you did not do anything
illegal please contact the author.
Please remember that this is a small shareware
game made by one man. If you try to break the game protection you
make harm to yourself because I can stop making the game if I'm without money and with
overload of work making new anti-hack and anti-cheat systems all the time. If
you want to hack something please concentrate on big company's like EA Games.
Hacking a big commercial title will prove that you are good, please leave Soldat
Soldat and all the file formats the program produces are
Copyright (C) 2002-03 Michal Marcinkowski. All rights reserved.
Soldat is a Shareware application. It is fully playable.
If you like the game please consider registering.
The registration fee for a single copy of Soldat is US$ 9.00.
Provided that you verify that you are distributing the
Shareware Version you are hereby licensed to:
a. make as many copies of the Shareware version of this software
and documentation as you wish
b. give exact copies of the original Shareware version to anyone
c. distribute the Shareware version of the software and
documentation in its unmodified form via electronic means
(e-mail, web page, diskette, CD including magazine Cover CDs)
There is no charge for any of the above.
You may not, for any purpose, distribute copies of registered
versions of this software, documentation or related materials
to any third-parties.
No portion of this software may be disassembled, reverse
engineered, decompiled, modified or altered.
All graphics and sounds may be modified except maps and scenery files.
Modified graphics and sounds can be distributed for free as game MODs.
This Software is supplied "as is" and no liability will be
accepted by Michal Marcinkowski or any legal vendors of this
software for any damage incurred by the use of this software.
Neither directly nor indirectly you cannot rent or sell by any means
this software.
Soldat: Programming, Graphics, Sound,
Music, Story;),
Soldat Lobby Server, Soldat Dedicated Server (Linux and Windows),
Map Maker, Soldat Interface Maker, Soldat Admin, Soldat Setup,
Manual, Soldat Home Page:
byMichal Marcinkowski (michalm<at>poczta.fm)
Game music (Bloody Soil, Gore, Necromancide) by BSG (Dvader1985<at>cs.com) (Guitar Pro tabulatures)
Additional maps:
Bigfalls by chakapoko maker
Tropiccave by Avarax
ctf_Chernobyl, ctf_Eequinox by Doggfather
ctf_Crashed by Deo
ctf_Dropdown by Boxo
inf_Normandy by Enjoyincubus
Remakes - Ctf_Death by NuZZ, HH by Stalky, Arena2 by grand_diablo
Improved original maps - inf_Outpost, MrSnowman, Bridge, Bunker, ctf_Viet by Enjoyincubus
"Cabbage" interface by NightCabbage
"Micro1" interface by
"Lacey v2" interface by Urhos
"Soldat Style " interface by Michal
Tools and components used in development:
- Borland Delphi 6 (http://www.borland.com)
- DirectX 8 + Jedi DirectX 8 headers (http://www.microsoft.com;
- FMOD (http://www.fmod.org)
- Flatstyle (http://www.flatsyle.de)
- BlackUDP by Lifepower
- Mode Enumeration Unit from PowerDraw (c) Lifepower
- DCPcrypt by David Barton (http://www.cityinthesky.co.uk)
- JVCL (http://www.delphi-jedi.org)
Special thanks to:
+ For all of the Soldat Community! Everybody that mailed me and talked about
Soldat on message boards, giving me good advice and motivating me
+ Warsztat (http://warsztat.pac.pl)
- for there help in testing the betas
+ Thomasa Jakobsen from IO Interactive for his wonderful article
+ Number27 for his tutorials (I don't have the address)
+ DNA.Styx for administrating the Soldat Forums (http://www.soldatforums.com/)
and all the moderators
+ the Soldat Community members, especially: Ardaen for helping with the
anti-cheat and network code, b00stA for the URL shortcut and scripts, Hercules Poirot for
the polygon bugs project and people who helped him
+ the Soldat Forums beta testing team
+ Dolny for hosting the official web site, promotion and ideas
+ TRSSam for providing the first lobby server
+ Special special thanks for all those that tested Soldat and made it a better
game (yes its you!)
+ In a short version I thank: the electric company, my computers,
my keyboard, start menu, John Pascal (or whatever his name is), John 'god'
Carmack, Bill G., Sylvester S., Arnold S. ...
+ To all that should be here but they didn't remind me that they should be
E-mail : michalm<at>poczta.fm
WWW : http://www.soldat.pl